Saturday, August 21, 2010


Inspiration comes from many things. Brilliance. Words from a friend. Or, my personal favorite, boredom. I was sitting in the car on the way to Oma's trying to figure what to do. And I got an idea to write a poem (I'm not a poem writer normally). So this is what I wrote. I started with the head line and it took me a good 20 minutes to write the rest. Like I said before. I'm not a poem writer, but its actually kinda good...maybe. That's why I'm going to post it on here, read it and then tell me what you think...please.
My inspiration for it is my older brother Brandon. It's more of a wishful poem on my part for him.

Living Once Again
Take a breath, breathe it deep.
I took a breathe, I breathed it deep.
I felt it.
I reveled in the soothing peace.
My first Free breathe.
I can feel it.
I can taste the fresh Freedom in my heart.
I will breathe, I will be me.
Let me see, let me be Free.

I am no longer a captive of your snare.
Your luring won't work.
The high you used to give me no longer does it.

I have one better

He gives me Hope.
He lets me Live.
Just because you have many fooled, it's not true, I caught you!

You thought you could fool me.
I listened to your lies.
I believed them.
But no more will I be tricked.
He has helped me.
He took the bonds of you drug and broke them.

He did it for me.
He can do it for you too.
If only you let Him.

I am living Once Again.

Well? What do you think?