Thursday, November 12, 2009

WHOAH, long time no post.

Hellooo everyone!

Today is about America. I have three words to say; God Help Us.

Fox news needs to shut their traps before they scare everybody into a hole!

"You have to stand for something otherwise you'll fall for anything."

That saying makes a lot of sense, but, you can stand for something and still fall for anything. If you are a person who likes drama and would rather hear all the bad about a person instead of weighing what you hear and making your own choice, you will fall for every hoax and lie out there. You need a balance. I have a balance. I listen to people, and then decide if its something I am willing to believe or not.
I loved it when Obama's speech came out. OH BOY, i was laughing so hard at some people, and shaking my head at others. That was no brainwashing speech, that was an encouraging speech. JEEZ, some people are SO blind and deaf, i can explain that speech, you know, what the heck was a president supposed to say to a bunch of kids, "Hey kid, go play video games instead of doing your homework!" HES NOT GOING TO SAY THAT! So instead, he says keep up good work, this country needs you, we need educated people. America needs you. Stay in school, don't focus on your failures, focus on doing better next time.

Boy, that sure is a brainwashing speech, hes telling your kids to stay in school, to do good. And the right wing maniacs go ballistic because they can't have people seeing what a good thing that it so they go and put the little seed of fear into people hearts by saying hes brainwashing your kids. I mean, HOW DUMB DO THEY THINK I AM??????????? People have made the huge mistake of thinking I'm dumb, and they got BURNT. So, if you try to tell me that Obama is a Gay, Terroristic satanist, I'm going to have to bust a gut. Because my friends, I am not your average dummy, I may have blond moments, I may not be great at math, but I am not stupid.

The Government is pretty smart. They know we aren't paying a whole lot of attention to the war. They know we aren't thinking about it in detail. What we have here is another Viet-Nam. People say that the only reason we lost Viet-Nam was because of politics. The whole Viet-Nam war was about politics. So here we are fighting against better prepared people that know that mountains and were getting bombed left and right. We need to get WAY smarter, we need to lay roadside bombs, we need to get a map of the mountain and work on it, we need to FIGHT! Were like sitting ducks!

Can you tell I'm mad?
WELL I AM VERY MAD. This dad-gum Government it wasting our money!!!!!!!!!!!!

well ill try to find a joke.

Forest Gump and St.Peter

When Forest Gump died, he stood in front of St.Peter at the Pearly Gates. St.Peter said "Welcome, Forest. We've heard a lot about you." He continued, "Unfortunately, It's getting pretty crowded up here and we find that we have to give an intrance examination before we let them in."

"Okay," Said Forest. "I hope it's not too hard. I've already been through a test. My Momma used to say 'Life is like a final exam, it's hard.' "

"Yes, Forest, I know. But this tes is only three questions. Here they are."
1) Which two days of the week begin with the letter 'T'?
2) How many seconds are in a year?
3) What is God's first name?

"Well, sir," Said Forest, "The first one is easy. Which two days of the week begin with the letter 'T'? Today and Tomorrow."

St. Peter looked supprised and said "Well, that wasn't the answer I was looking for, but you have a point. I give you credit for that answer.

"The next question," Said Forest, "How many seconds are in a year? Twelve."

"Twelve?" Said St.Peter, supprised and confussed.

"Yes, sir. January 2nd, Febuary 2nd, March 2nd....."
St.Peter interupted him. "I see what you mean. I'll have to give you credit for that one, too."

"And the last question," said Forest, "What is God's first name? It's Andy."

"Andy?" Said St.Peter, in shock. How did you come up with 'Andy'?"

"I learned it in Church. We used to sing about it. Forest broke into song, "Andy walks with me, Andy talks wiht me, Andy tells me I am His own."
St.Peter opened the gate to Forest and said, "Run, Forest, Run!"


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