Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Famous Last words:

I have been reading the 'Cat Who' books and in this one that I'm reading right now, every so often Qwill (main character) mentions famous last words. So, here are a couple I thought of:
"Oh, he's perfectly bomb-proof...."
"I'd NEVER do THAT....."
"It's impossible for me to do something that clumsy....."

Please add your own in the comments!!!

How many of you have young dogs? Those of you that do, know what a perfect pest they can be?And so darn cute about it? Anyway...last night I had the dogs in my room and Buddy's not allowed up on the bed. SO, he takes his front two paws and places them RIGHT by my head. causing me to wake up, well I'm half in and out of sleep so I'm trying to shove a 80 pound dog off my bed while half asleep and with one hand. Well he wouldn't budge so...with one hand....I would try and shove one paw off at a time...doesn't work to well. Every time I got one paw off and was working on the next he'd put that other paw back on as soon as I got the other one off. AND THEN....I also had George up in my room so he doesn't lift his leg on everything during the night...anyway....Buddy tried to get him to play during the night, on TWO occasions. So that was my misery for today.

"Haul a Yugo. Haul a Yugo.
Gearly beloved, we are Blazered here in the name of our Four-door, who art in Half-ton.

I'm speaking of our lord and Mazda, Jeep-sus Chrysler.

He is the Alfa and the Romeo.

He was born in a Ranger, he was Tempo'd by the DeVille, and he Daihatsu'd for your Sentras.

He said, "Dodge not, that ye not be Dodged.

Thou shalt not Corvette thy neighbor's Whitewall, but turn the other Cherokee.

If ye have Fiat ye can move Montecarlos.

He ain't Chevy, he's my Beretta.

He ate the Last Supra, and he climbed the mount of Cavalier, where they Cruise-controlled him on the Motocross.

But God, in his Infiniti Mercedes, did Rolls away the Stanza.

Let us Prelude: Sayeth the prophet Isuzu, in the Dusenburg Bible, In the 23rd Saab, "The Ford is my Chauffeur. I shall not Walk.

He Lexus me in the paths of Right-turn-signals.

Yea, though I walk through the Valet of the Shadow of Dart, I shall Fiero no Eagle.Subaru Goo dwrench and Mercury shall Volvo me Audi Daytonas of my life, and I shall Dwellmeter house of Delorean, Four-cylinder.
Gloria, In Ex-Celica Geo!"

Now, was that WHACK OR WHAT???? LOL!!!

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